The website was created within the project “Velimir’s Journal” («Vestnik Velimira»), the winner of the contest of the Charitable Programme “Museum guide” organized by the Vladimir Potanin Foundation (the nomination “Amazing museums”) in 2015.
The project «Velimir’s Journal» has been carried out by the Velimir Khlebnikov House Museum, a branch of the Astrakhan State Picture Gallery named after P.M.Dogadin, since 2016.
The museum website allows to:
- make accessible the “Khlenikov’s collection” and the book collections of the museum for the vast audience;
- create a new space of communications meeting the visitor’s needs for an easy access to the museum information;
- increase the awareness of the citizens and the guests of the city about the organized events, initiatives, educational programs of the museum; heighten local community and turists’ interest in the region heritage;
- make accessible the content for foreign readers;
- create a special space to support creative initiatives.
The Director of the picture gallery: Irina Perova.
The project manager: Olga Kuzovleva, the head of the Velimir Khlebnikov House Museum.
The authors of the content:
Aleksandr Mamaev, the Senior Research Fellow of the Velimir Khlebnikov House Museum, the Khlebnikov scholar;
Vera Teryokhina, the author of the article titled “About futurism”, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Leading researcher at the Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS);
Sofia Starkina |
The author of the material «Bibliography», Candidate of Philological Sciences, the Khlebnikov scholar, author and creator of the website (the materials were provided by the creators of the website and Sofia Starkina’s relatives),
Olga Kuzovleva, the Head of the Velimir Khlebnikov House Museum,
Marina Emelina, the Deputy Director (the exposure-exhibitional and research works) of the Astrakhan State Picture Gallery,
Valery Kharlamov (English translation), research fellow of the Astrakhan State Picture Gallery.
Design: «Muzej Plus».
Development and maintenance: «Muzej Plus».
Visual identity: Artyom Gorchakov
Photographers: Sergey Bondar, Anatoly Dinekin, Vyacheslav Zhirov, Irina Levonyuk, Svetlana Dadonkina, Aleksandra Biryaltseva.
Video commercial: Camera operator, montage – Vyacheslav Blinov, directors – Olga Kuzovleva, Anna Katkova, music – VESPERO, record and details – «Vespero's Mobile Studio».
Virtual tour: «Astrakhan 3D».
The following images were used in the website design:
By Stepan Botiev (graphic series «Khlebnikov Field», «Ka», the image of the Velimir Khlebnikov House Museum, the photo of the Khlebnikov’s monument in Malye Derbety), by Petr Miturich (Spatial graphics), by Velimir Khlebnikov («Self-portrait»), by Andrey Volkonskij («Velimir with laurel wreath»), taken from the collection of the Astrakhan State Picture Gallery (as well as futuristic book covers, photos, documents from “Khlebnikov collection”), from the collection of the State Museum named after V.V.Mayakovsky (futuristic publications covers), V.Ermilov (cover page to the poem “Ladomir” by V.Khlebnikov from the private collection of A.E.Parnis), Kira Matissen (informs).
The following materials were also used:
Author’s translations of Khlebnikov’s works into English – Kirsten Lodge, into Dutch – Willem Weststeijn, into Romanian – Leo Butnaru, into Italian – Paolo Statuti, into French – Jean-Claude Lanne.
The authors of the project express their deepest gratitude to all the participants of the project!