Photo contest in “Vkontakte”
«Inside the circle of readers. Khlebnikov». The first virtual photo contest in “Vkontakte” social media
“VKonakte” social media is one of the most popular and favorite among young web-users networks. Within the project “Vestnik Velimira” [Velimir’s bulletin] the winner of the “Museum tour-guide” Contest organized by Vladimir Potanin Foundation in the nomination “Amazing Museums Of Russia” the Velimir Khlebnikov House-Museum is widely advertised in the Internet network. The Velimir Khlebnikov House-Museum had logged on to “VKontakte” social media much earlier than other Astrakhan museums did and for many years it has been supportive of the dialogue with the audience. That is why this very social network was chosen as a place for our first photo contest. The topic is “Inside the circle of readers. KHLEBNIKOV.”
Competitors are to take pictures of themselves reading their favorite or any other of V.Khlebnikov’s works (whether at home, at the library, at a friend’s in the street, etc) and point out in the caption which of works they are reading and their name and surname as well. Any competitor must be a subscriber of the Velimir Khlebnikov house-museum group and added friend of Velimir Khlebnikov and is to upload a photo to the photo album of the group not later than December 5, repost the message and keep it undeleted till the contest is over.
7 December the organizers of the Velimir Khlebnikov house-museum group will draw a winner who uploads the best photo (according to contest term). Besides that until the end of December the victorious photo will be published at the home page of the museum official web-site which is becoming more and more popular among users from Astrakhan and other cities